Winter Is Coming (And Online Revenue With It)

For online sellers, the holidays are dark and full of terror. They’re also full of big online revenue, if we play the game right. According to ComScore, which measures the online activity of consumers, holiday ecommerce sales reached nearly $80 billion in 2017. That represented a 13% jump from the previous year. The winter action is so hot when it’s cold out that the top 10 ecommerce days of 2017 all fell within a couple weeks of Cyber Monday.

The trend toward bigger action is upward. Americans are buying more each year as our hangover from the Great Recession wanes. According to ComScore, Cyber Monday sales were up 11.8% year on year. Meanwhile, Black Friday was up 10.6% and Cyber Tuesday was up 8.3%. So, what’s a small business owner to do? Here are three ways to survive – and thrive – the long night:

Winter Is Coming (And Online Revenue With It)

  1. Innovate to Generate Online Revenue

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Features Of Health Insurance Plans

The rapidly increasing medical expenses, make health insurance plan very important. When you have an insurance plan, you feel more comfy and secure as you are covered even in emergency medical circumstances. You don’t have to search for money to get medical attention and you don’t have to spend the money you have to serve the needs when you have  a health insurance plan. There are loads of insurance service lenders today offering all sorts of plan and you therefore must know the features to choose the right plan that is very useful for all your medical needs.

Features Of Health Insurance Plans

  • Good room rent limits – this is the most essential feature when hospitalization is unavoidable. A good health insurance plan must not have a maximum room limit, so that you know this expense is perfectly covered no matter how long you or your family member gets admitted in the hospital. Such plans
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Tips when buying an Access Control System for your property

Tips when buying an Access Control System for your propertyAn Access Control System (ACS) plays an integral role in the security of your property. It consists of an electronic keypad that secures the entire building. It will be responsible for controlling each and every function in your building. A wrong choice can actually hurt the performance and security of your business.

If your property is valuable to you, then you must consider investing in its security. Lots of vendors are offering different types of Access Control Systems each meant to provide you the security and peace you need. But how do you know which one’s the best? How can you be sure it will protect your property and it’s a worthy investment? Since an effective Access Control System is just like securing your home with guards armed with assembled AR-10 rifles, it is always better to put in place the best system you can.

To purchase the right …

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